Thursday, March 31, 2011

Walnut, Most Health Peanut For diet

Nuts are often referred to as a healthy snack. Eating a handful of nuts every day can improve many health conditions, from lowering cholesterol, protecting themselves from heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, increase fertility, to prevent senility.

If you are a hobby nuts snacking, walnuts sure to be one of your choice. Researchers from the University of Scranton Chemistry, Pennsylvania, recently analyzed the antioxidant content of nine kinds of beans. They found that a handful of walnuts have antioxidants two times more than other types of nuts. Nutritional value of walnuts was mentioned more than peanut, almonds, pecans, and pistachios

Walnut also shows the quality and potential better. Moreover, generally these nuts can be eaten raw, making it a healthier choice. "The heat from the baked beans generally reduces the antioxidant qualities. People usually eat it raw walnuts, toasted or not, and they have antioxidant with full effectiveness," said Dr. Joe Vinson, PhD, leader of the study.

According to Dr. Vinson, nuts contain polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats that clog arteries potential. In terms of calories, peanuts also does not cause weight gain. In fact, we can feel the stomach is full and not overeat.

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