Thursday, March 17, 2011

Children Personality and How to deal with

Children aged 2-5 years have the ability to communicate is still minimal and unique temperament, most explosive, most egocentric, and so forth. "No wonder so many parents who can not wait for his big fast and hard through the ages that are sometimes also funny that,"said Lara Zibners, author of If Your Kid Eats This Book, Everything Will Still Be Okay.

But parents who undergo this period can try to deal with her ​​children in a way to track the main personality of the child. "Because of temperament to explain why some of us can sleep in front of the television lights, some can not sleep with any noise, or why some people can forgive easily and some are hard to forget the mistakes of others. Knowing the temperament of the child help you when to treat, when to push, "said Harvey Karp, MD, a pediatrician at once the author of The happiest Toddler on the Block.

Experts agree, at least there are 3 main personalities of children; easy or happy, shy or warm, and very excited.

Easily type or Happiness
According to Karp, the majority of the children is the type of easygoing, cheerful, and ready to face the new day. This type is an active child, and can adapt to change, basically like a new person and situation is different. This type is not ill-tempered, but not coercive. However, this type is very easy to neglect because of his attitude that it is not coercive. He was sometimes able to spend much time in front of the television alone because no one who accompanies, or not getting enough time with their parents because they are too busy dealing with other children. Make sure the type of kids like this are not neglected.

Shy Type
About 15 percent of children are shy and slow to start something, so the opinion of the experts. At age 9 months, easygoing type of child who will be able to smile at strangers, but will shy type frowned and hugged caregivers, may only be waving "bye-bye" after the men went. The experts say, children with this type have a feeling that ekstrasensitif on various things, ranging from the type of clothing worn want to room temperature. This type of child like this takes time of transition from one activity to another and not easy to deal with change.

The possibility also, kind of kid like this will slowly begin the road and will be watching the game from a distance before finally starting to come into play with their peers. Moto child like this is, if in doubt, better not. Please note by parents whose children shy type, they are a very gentle child, and the minimum as may face criticism or made ​​fun of, because such a refusal to make children feel scared and vulnerable shy throughout his life. What's more, parents should make sure the child has the stability and time to process something. They can not be forced or rushed when doing something.

Eager type (Wild)
About 1 in 10 children is the type of strong-willed, and likes a challenge. This type has a sense of fun which is very high and low self-esteem is very deep. The parents can assess a child like this in a way to assess personality "more" of the child, such as, more active, more movement, more impulsive, more daring, more sensitive, harder, and more. One recommendation for parents who have children have personality like this is to keep it active. Let them play outside and play as often as possible. These kids need to burn energy and move to meet their mood. This type is also a clear need structure to keep them stable and secure, and extra patience.

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