Your child has a talent to be a leader? Notice, if he was always "arrange" his friends about the game what to do? Does his friends volunteered to follow his will? Does he always dared to express their opinions, and ask to be given the opportunity to sing or pray in front of the class?
Perhaps, not all children show behaviors that indicate the character of a leader. Then, how to encourage them to develop leadership behavior?
1. Ask their opinion
While we were together in the house, ask them things like, "You want to wear a red shirt or the blue?" Or, "Would you like milk chocolate or vanilla?" By answering questions like this, they train the ability to speak assertively, and how to make good decisions.
2. Introduce them to the leader
Tell them about a number of prominent leaders, whether from a book story, the show on TV, or people in your neighborhood. When they saw how the leaders in action, they will know how the behavior of a leader. Later, he would imitate these behaviors.
3. Praise their leadership behaviors
If they do not know what you want, they'll never do it. Therefore, when you know they do an act to lead or make good decisions, tell them. Say, "Well, so dong! Mom happy if you want to share!"
4. Perform activities that help them demonstrate the ability to lead
Introduce them to activities that help them do the ability to lead. For example, help arrange rows of his friends when the first outing of the school. When they are accustomed to doing things like this, they also will be able to practice at home or elsewhere.
5. Help them set personal goals
When they set goals for themselves, who had nothing to do with the interests of others, they automatically will demonstrate leadership ability. Because, they will lead themselves.
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